Wednesday, January 26, 2005

We're Not Alone!!!

Now I have two (count 'em -- 2!!) Friends In Blog. A veritable army. We could take on the world, if it was smaller and had less people on it. In it?

Not much else to say, really. Read Rob's shit. It's funny. Kinda. And all those pictures he talks about?? They're real. Really.

I'm planning to buy a digital projector this week. Am I getting too home-theatery? I'm studying my ass off for the level 2 Japanese test. My girlfriend, who is a native speaker of the language, struggles to answer the questions on this fucker.

Started an play-by-mail Call of Cthulhu campaign with a bunch of friends scattered across the globe. Momma I'm scared! I play a 42 year-old Morrocan truckie/former gun-runner and I look like Harry Dean Stanton from Paris, Texas. That's the scary bit.

On another note, my friend Wendy in Italy was recently told to be careful of people claiming to have seen the Virgin Mary because some of the stories are not actually true.

Unlike THIS, which is totally genuine (they guarantee it, see!)

1 comment:

Bewildebeast said...

That was me that paid $28,000 for that grilled cheese sandwich. Well worth it too, a little stail but I feel closer to the cheese God for having eaten it. Wiped my mouth with the shroud of Turin. Settling like a brick though.