Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Monday, May 14, 2007


Suzuki-sensei set me homework during my two week trip to Australia: a diary. The machine translation which follows the original text here is by far the more interesting of the two. Flowchart: Writing --> Babelfish --> Better Writing. No shit.


今日は骨董屋に買い物行った。 父さんは常に色んな「骨董品」と言うか、「ジャンク」と言うか物を収集します。彼はEbay でこのごろ売買します。 私は Captain Cook の伝記を買い、古い本屋の裏にある部屋で署名された「チョッパー」と言う有名な Melbourne の殺し屋の自伝的な本を発見しました。それぞれ 3 ドルだった。 これらの生命に両方とも同じ価値があることはおかしいだと思いました。

お父さんは真鍮物を大好きです。古い doorknocker、栓抜き、Trench Art とか。古いビンもよく収集します。 美しさもあるんですが、これらの関係のある話のほうが大切だと思う。父さんは 1 本 の "Cod's Tonic Water" と言う怪しい万能薬が持っている。このビンから私達は英語の言葉 'Codswallop' を貰います。

Misaki は古いリングを買った。ガラスの円で赤い薔薇が収監されている。


私達は南海岸に運転した。 古代森林の深さに。 お父さんは数年前、伐採道の端で、失われたゴーストタウンの跡を見つけた。 今は秋ですね。この季節に、隠れた物ははっきりされます。ヨーロッパの植民地化の跡は落葉樹のユーカリ森林の灰色っぽい緑と対照した。住居のまぼろし。建物の石造の基礎。野性的になった薔薇のもつれ。

私達は燃えるような カシ、クリ、Peppercorn、ポプラ、シラカバの木に囲まれたプールの横でピクニックをしました。古い巨大の保護の枝の下で偶然に苗木を育ちましていた 人間は一度ここに住んでいた。今、生命の記憶はこの波を渡る奇妙な土地からの持って来た木としかない。


今日、私達は古い山火事を見張りための木を登った。空に橋を渡って歩いた。 そこにから、世界は違っている見る。 後で、海の横に小さな村に止まった。Misaki と父さんはトイレに行っていた時、私は道の横に Snottygobble と言う木の下のベンチで座った。 突然、砂利で車のブレーキの音を聞こえた。私の高校時代の友達 Mostyn が来た!。 彼は5年間ロンドンに住んでいて、一週間だけオーストラリアに来ました。 こんな同時発生。。。シュールな不陰気がした。



今日は Freycinet の国立公園でハイキングすることを行った。 それは不思議で、独特な場所である。巨大なピンクっぽい茶色の岩で作った Titan のケルンのような山である。

峡谷を通って3 時間ハイキングした。

白い Ghost-gum の木、やさしい黄色い花があるのミモザの木。太陽で浴びているWallabyとトカゲ。

遠い向かいに、Wineglass Bay に着いた。息がつけないように綺麗な遠隔の地です。

夕焼けは荘厳だった。空は燃えている石炭のように光った。、血の真っ赤、毒投げ矢のカエルのオレンジ、ギャルの eyeshadow のライラック、中とろのピンク、 オーストラリアの土の繊細な黄土。



Two eye day: Old ones

Today shopping went in the antique house. The father color is calls “the antique” always, or calls “the junk”, or collects the thing.As for himEbay So it buys and sells recently. As for me Captain Cook You bought the biography, you signed at the room which to the reverse side of the old bookstore is famous, “chopper”MelbourneThe autobiography book of the hit man was discovered.Respectively 3 It was dollar. Both as for being the same value is strange in these lives, you thought that is.

Brass ones we love the father.It is old doorknocker Corkscrew,Trench Art .You collect also the old bottle well. There is also a beauty, it is, but you think that the story which has these relationships is more important.As for father 1 Book “Cod's Tonic Water " The doubtful panacea where with you say has.From this bottle as for us English word 'Codswallop' You receive.

Misaki The old ring was bought.The red rose commitment is done with circle of the glass.

Three eye day:GHOSTS

We drove to the Nankai bank. In depth of ancient forest. The father several years ago, in the edge of the lumbering road, found the mark of ghost town which is lost. Now fall the shank.In this season, those which hide are clear.The ash of the eucalyptus forest of the deciduous tree seductive green it contrasted the mark of European colony conversion.Vision of house.Stone foundation of building.The entanglement of the rose which becomes wildly.

As for us, [kashi] and the kind of chestnut which burn, “Peppercorn] Picnic was done with side of the pool which is surrounded in the wood of the poplar and the canoe birch.Accidentally the nursery stock you were brought up under the branch of the protection of enormous it is old The human had lived one time here.Now, as for memory of life there is with only a wood which has from the strange land which crosses this wave.

Mixture day: Accidental agreement

Today, we watched old Yamabi thing and climbed the wood of for the sake of.Crossing the bridge the sky, you walked. The empty, the world is different there, you see. Afterwards, on side of the sea it stopped in small village.MisakiWhen with as for the father having gone into the rest room, as for me on side of the road “Snottygobble” With it sat down with Kinosita's bench which is said. Suddenly, sound of the brake of the car it was audible with the gravel.Friend of my high school age Mostyn Came! . He having lived in 5 annual London, just one week came to Australia. Such syndrome.。。[shiyuru] non- gloomy did.

However the unnecessary thing which says it is, we went in order to at once to talk closest pub straightly.

Nine eye day: Death in harness stone

Today Freycinet Hiking with the national park it did. That being strange, is the unique place.The enormous pink [tsu] [po] it was and made with the rock of brown Titan It is the mountain like the kernel.

Passing by the gorge 3 Time it hiked.

It is white Ghost-gum The wood, there is an easy yellow flower the wood of the mimosa.It pours with the sunWallabyWith lizard.

In distant opposite side,Wineglass Bay It arrived.In order for breath not to attach, it is clean remote area.

The evening glow was dignified.The sky shone like the coal which burns.The orange of deep-red of blood and frog of poison throwing arrow, galeyeshadowLilac and in and pink of [ro], delicate loess of the Australian earth.

As for the place like the actual world you were moved.Just the shadow where the place is thin entirely outside.