Mr. Beast is a gift. this music is somehow intensely spiritual, approaching the divine. Mogwai have earned their place in my heart and my IPod for many years now. when i listen to them, in headphones with the volume pushed into my synaesthetic range, my whole body lifts, textures appear on the surface of an unnamed sense, curtains of light and energy rush through me into the sky. beyond thought, pure joy
oblivion continues to impress too. truly beautiful world-making. the modding shall begin in earnest soon as i get some free time...
last night my neighbour, a professor of urban sociology and ethnic studies, held a party with a group of people from the NGO Shanti Volunteer Association, some visiting Bangladeshis and a Buddhist monk/researcher from Koyasan University. Together with mister Watado, his wife, and another gentleman novelist, we downed copious amounts of sake and talked into the small hours. topics included the earthly avatars of Amitabha/Amida and Avalokiteshvara/Kwan Yin (Panchen Lama and Dalai Lama respectively,) the books of Mishima Yukio which as conicidence would have it both I and my neighbour's wife are reading at the moment, Nakagami Kenji the burakumin(ancient underclass) novelist, Dostoyevski, and Spinoza. good people all. i was invited to stay at Koyasan sometime and its sounds like a fascinating and unique opportunity.
1 comment:
to me the snake is the song itself: somehow metallic and silvered, scaled, muscular and writhing. the parts where the notes are bent into an slow-choked agonised moan of distortion make me want to twist my body in some sympathetic spasm of strangled serpent motion
the idiot : christ
such power
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