[don't know how to make the accent on the e. sorry dude.]
3 whiskeys later and i'm about ready to read them.
winter is gnawing at the doorstep. listening to Wu-Tang riding to Yoyogi, i was cold. and in the park, the fountains were like ice. the fall leaves beautiful and full of regret.
tomorrow morning i am meeting misaki to work on a comic. here's the full text, minus scene desriptions:
"Boredom is nothing other than the sensation of the emptiness of existence." Schopenhauer, On the Suffering of the World.
8. One day in fall, I found a crow with a broken wing in the garden.
11. One day, your owner will come looking for you. I'll keep you safe.
15. Have you seen a crow? / I don't know.
16. Why do you hide your face? What happened to your eye?
19. Each full moon my bird gouges out this eye with his beak-
20. and each full moon I break his wing anew. Give me him so I may break him and him me.
22. Why do you do such terrible things to eachother?
23. Because this is who we are. We cannot be other than we are.
24. Don't you want to see? Doesn't the bird want to fly?
25. I doesn't matter what we want. We are.
26. I don't believe you! You must stop!
27. If we stopped, we would have no reason to touch eachother. It is better that we continue; we would be bored otherwise.
>Change is good. Everything changes in time.
-I don't know...all the great changes in my life have felt somehow external to myself, as though instituted by another's hand.
>This sounds like a poor excuse to avoid responsibility. A manifesto of laziness.
-Maybe I can't escape my laziness. Maybe laziness is the unconscious recognition of futility in the face of a deterministic universe...
-But you see I don't want to change. I don't want to spend the energy to change. I am subject to inertia. Comfort is a heavy thing. It weights at me.
A)Push yourself! Go out into the cold!
B)No, stay where it's safe and warm.
-I want to be left alone without these wonderings.
-It's like a trance, our routine, we fall in circles like the moon falls about the Earth.
>But even this will change. The moon will one day plunge into the sea and be gone.
-And I shall not be here to see it. For me, infinity is bounded by my birth and my death. Parentheses arc across my horizons.
>Your children's children will see the fall of the moon.
-My children's children shall not be human.
>Aye, children today are not what they once were.
>To change, perhaps, you need to die and be reborn. A new page, a new word, a new spot of ink.
>Things are dying and rebirthing infinitely each moment.
-Yes. Humans like to partition their world. The alternative is madness.
>So to change this behavior, you must visualise a line and step across it.
-You sound like a pop psychologist.
>Well, you can't change if you don't want to.
-On the contrary, things change just when you don't want them to.
>Pessimism. Perhaps unconsciously...
-What if there is no unconscious? My mind just crystals reflecting the changing light? No interiors. All dimensions unfolded, the world is flat, a line, a point. There is nothing inside.
29.Bah! I've had enough! Go away!
Not exactly a barrel of laughs. Frame 28 will be printed in microscopic type.
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